Ten Days Out

Ten more days till I arrive in Rabat. That’s it. It still seems so far away, but looking back on this blog, this summer has really flown by. Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been making last minute preparations to leave. These include dealing with banking, cancelling my cell phone plan, making a budget (ugh), and trying to pack, which I’ll talk about in another post.

One of the things I’ve been trying to do this summer is enjoy all the uniquely Calgarian things, which I won’t have in Morocco. For the first time in a few years, I took my roommate from Kingston to the Calgary Stampede which was an absolute blast. We both dressed up in cowboy gear and spent the day at the festival grounds checking out the fair and eating mini donuts.

Additionally, I’ve tried to go to all my favourite restaurants and coffee shops. My favourite of which is Safari Grill, a local indian-African restaurant which makes the best ribs I’ve ever had. Just writing about it makes me want to go back again.

I’ve been lucky this summer that I’ve been able to travel a little bit. I got to go to Edmonton to see The Arcade Fire, a Canadian group, perform. This was one of the first real concerts I’ve been to, and it was an awesome time. I also went to Vancouver to see friends and family for a couple days. Vancouver is such a beautiful city, with both the mountains and the ocean, that it’s always a treat to go visit. It’s so amazing to think how diverse Canada is- from Vancouver to Newfoundland.

Finally, I can’t close this post without mentioning my incredible friends and family, without whom this summer wouldn’t have been nearly as much fun. I’m so lucky to have friends both in town, as well as across the country and around the world who have been so supportive, especially about Morocco. I would be so much more anxious without them.

In the mean time, I’m gonna think about packing and keep on Morocc ‘N’ Rollin!


Now read this

How to Get around in Rabat

In Rabat, the way people get around is quite different than in Canada. Here are the major modes of transport: 1: petit taxis: These are small coloured taxis (blue in Rabat, red in Fes etc.) that go within the city limits. They only hold... Continue →